The issue is scheduled to open on February 12, in which the mobile company is hoping to garner an estimated Rs 2125 crore. The company has got all the necessary approvals from SEBI and Registrar of Companies, sources said.
Idea has fixed the price band for its IPO scheduled to open for subscription at between Rs 65-75 for raising up to Rs 2,125 crore.
The company intends to list its shares on both the BSE and NSE.
The float is being routed through a 100 per cent book-building.
The issue closes on February 15.
The company has concluded a pre-IPO placement of Rs 375 crore to some of its promoters, directors and high net worth individuals. This includes a Rs 225 crore placement with Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd and Rs 137 crore with Birla TMT.
Idea Cellular is the fourth largest GSM operator in the country.