"They are doing this basically to create a positive sentiment for the Anil Ambani group companies. Otherwise, buyback per se doesn't make sense," said Shankar Sharma, vice-chairman and joint managing director at First Global Securities."They don't have cash from operations for the buyback."
"There is a dichotomy in this buy-back announcement. On one side the owners are pumping money in the company for expansion and on the other it is returning cash to investors saying that it does not have any better use of it," said Mehul Mukati, analyst with Emkay Share and Stock Brokers Ltd.
"My request to the steel industry will be to exercise restraint on any arbitrary price hike for the steel commodities," Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said.
"In the light of the budget announcements and the prevailing macro economic conditions, 79 percent of the CEOs expected an increased in investments in the economy during the year 2008/09," it said.
"Between pricing of an issue and the day of its listing there is a gap and in between people want to speculate what the price would be. If you reduce the gap, automatically the need for grey market also goes away," C.B. Bhave, chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India, told reporters after the regulator's board meeting.
"I clearly see this as a relief rally after heavy selling," said Nipun Mehta, chief executive of Unitis Tower Wealth Advisors. "There's no reason to think that this could at all be the beginning of a turnaround.".Sensex bounces 1.2pct.
Chidambaram told a business conference that industry should instead improve efficiency: "Manufacturers have to be more competitive and hold the price line."
"High interest rates have been harming us to a great extent," said Sanjay Kothari, chairman of Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council, said of the $17 billion industry.
Yes Bank will be part of a consortium to build a 25 billion rupees agri-focussed special economic zone in Nellore, Managing Director Rana Kapoor told a media conference.
"We are looking at the market very carefully and plan to invest in expanding our network in Gujarat," Kumar Mangalam Birla told reporters at the opening of a hypermarket.
"There are two clients in the top 15 who have delayed a couple of assignments," N. Chandrasekaran of TCS told reporters, but declined to say how the company's earnings in the March quarter would be affected.
"There is a dichotomy in this buy-back announcement. On one side the owners are pumping money in the company for expansion and on the other it is returning cash to investors saying that it does not have any better use of it," said Mehul Mukati, analyst with Emkay Share and Stock Brokers Ltd.
"My request to the steel industry will be to exercise restraint on any arbitrary price hike for the steel commodities," Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said.
"In the light of the budget announcements and the prevailing macro economic conditions, 79 percent of the CEOs expected an increased in investments in the economy during the year 2008/09," it said.
"Between pricing of an issue and the day of its listing there is a gap and in between people want to speculate what the price would be. If you reduce the gap, automatically the need for grey market also goes away," C.B. Bhave, chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India, told reporters after the regulator's board meeting.
"I clearly see this as a relief rally after heavy selling," said Nipun Mehta, chief executive of Unitis Tower Wealth Advisors. "There's no reason to think that this could at all be the beginning of a turnaround.".Sensex bounces 1.2pct.
Chidambaram told a business conference that industry should instead improve efficiency: "Manufacturers have to be more competitive and hold the price line."
"High interest rates have been harming us to a great extent," said Sanjay Kothari, chairman of Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council, said of the $17 billion industry.
Yes Bank will be part of a consortium to build a 25 billion rupees agri-focussed special economic zone in Nellore, Managing Director Rana Kapoor told a media conference.
"We are looking at the market very carefully and plan to invest in expanding our network in Gujarat," Kumar Mangalam Birla told reporters at the opening of a hypermarket.
"There are two clients in the top 15 who have delayed a couple of assignments," N. Chandrasekaran of TCS told reporters, but declined to say how the company's earnings in the March quarter would be affected.